Awards & Recognitions


A1 - PSIEA 2023 (Gold Category)

Premier of Sarawak Industry Excellence Award 2023
Large Category - Gold
Sarawak Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI)

Industry Excellence Award (AKI) - Services Category II (2020)

Industry Excellence Award 2020
Services Category II
Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI)

Industry Excellence Award (AKI) - Services Category II (2018)

Industry Excellence Award 2018
Services Category II
Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI)

Sarawak Chief Minister's Industry Excellence Award (2017)

Sarawak Chief Minister's Industry Excellence Award 2017
Category - Sarawak Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI)


Shell Malaysia Safety Award 2013
Downstream Bronze Award
Shell Malaysia

1 Malaysia Enterprise Award (2012)

1 Malaysia Enterprise Award 2012
1 Malaysia Quality

The Malaysian Service Excellence Award (2010)

The Malaysian Service Excellence Award 2010

Malaysian’s Trusted Company (2010)

Malaysia Independence Award 2010
Malaysia's Trusted Company

Management of the Year 2009, Business of the Year Award by SME Worldwide

Business of the Year Award 2009
Management of the Year

The Malaysian Quality Management Excellence Award 2008 by The Malaysian Trade and Industry Organisation

The Malaysian Quality Management Excellence Award 2008
The Malaysian Trade and Industry Organisation


R1 - HSE Excellence Award

HSE Excellence Award 2022
Best HSE Score Card
MLNG - Contractor HSE Committee

Award of Recognition from Malaysia LNG Sdn Bhd In recognition of Outstanding HSE Performance 2016 MLNG DOSH Turnaround/ Shutdown

Outstanding HSE Performance 2016
MLNG DOSH Turnaround/Shutdown
MLNG - Contractor Management HSE Committee

Award of Recognition from Malaysia LNG Sdn Bhd in recognition of Outstanding HSE Performance 2016 MLNG Boilers Rejuvenation Project

Outstanding HSE Performance 2016
MLNG Boilers Rejuvenation Project
MLNG - Contractor Management HSE Committee

Recognition for Achieving 100,000 Safe Man-hours without Lost Time Injury by SMDS Bintulu Sarawak 2014

Recognition for Achieving 100,000 Safe Man-hours without Lost Time Injury by SMDS Bintulu Sarawak

MERIT Award Winner HSE & Sustainability Awards FY 2008/09 by PETRONAS 12 July 2009

Petronas Group HSE & Sustainability Awards FY 2008/2009
MERIT Award Winner
MINOR Contractor Safety Category

PETRONAS GROUP HSE AWARD 2007/2008 MERIT Award Winner For project of " Installation of New Low Pressure Steam Main Header from Module 6 up to TG-4040 Header Tie-in for MLNG Dua Sdn Bhd at Bintulu PETRONAS LNG Complex" Majopr Contractor Category

Petronas Group HSE Award 2007/2008
MERIT Award Winner
MAJOR Contractor Category

Award For Best Performance MLNG Contractor Category Year 2007

HSE Performance Award 2007
MLNG Contractor Category

Gold Award for PETRONAS Contractor Category - Minor in recognition of outstanding HSE Performance during Module 3 Turnaround 2006 at MLNG

Gold Award for PETRONAS Contractor Category - Minor in recognition of outstanding HSE Performance during Module 3 Turnaround 2006 at MLNG

10 Million Manhours worked without Lost Time Injury Achieved on 9 May 2000

Commemoration of 10 Million Manhours Worked Without Lost Time Injury Achieved on May 9, 2000
Malaysia LNG Snd. Bhd.

Best Performance Award (Turnaround Category)

Best Performance Award (Turnaround Category)

Certifications & Licences


HP4 - mark-of-trust-certified-ISO-9001-quality-management-systems-black-logo-En-GB-1019

Management Systems
ISO 9001:2015

HP5 - mark-of-trust-certified-ISO-14001-environmental-management-black-logo-En-GB-1019

Management Systems
ISO 14001:2015

HP6 - mark-of-trust-certified-ISO-45001-occupational-health-and-safety-management-balck-logo-En-GB-1019

Occupational Health and
Safety Management Systems
ISO 45001:2018




C5 - PETROS License

Petros License
Services Category

C4 - CIDB Certificate

4 Stars SCORE Rating


Category A (I, II & III)

DOSH Petroleum Contractor (2021-2024)_Page_1

Petroleum Contractor

DOSH Repairer Boiler (2021-2024)_Page_1

Boiler Repairer

DOSH Repairer UPV (2021-2024)_Page_1

Unfired Pressure Vessel Repairer